The following information pertains to Education Service Centers only. Please review the following instructions regarding the TEKS Resource System (TEKS RS) District Change Request process.
If a brand-new district has signed up just for TRS, select the TEKS Resource System Subscription Type and complete the form like a typical new TEKS RS district.
1.) Multiple actions can be entered into a single request if they pertain to the same district (e.g., a district needs a new campus created along with a new Campus Admin account). For the Action field of the form, check all circumstances that apply.
2.) If an existing, disabled district renews its subscription, please select Enable District and/or Enable Campus for the Action field of the form. See the Re-subscribing Districts support guide for details.
3.) District and campus names must match the Texas Education Agency (TEA) records. Visit the following TEA school district database website for reference:
Texas Education Agency AskTED Site
4.) A request for creating a new district should include at least one District Admin account. Once created, it is up to the District User Admin(s) and/or Campus User Admins to create/upload the remainder of its new accounts within the Account Administration section of TRS. If the admins need guidance with this process, they are welcome to contact the TEKS RS Tech Support Help Desk at 1-800-544-3483 or
5.) If multiple admin accounts need to be created, use commas to separate them in each applicable field. Please see the sample screenshot further down on the page.
a.) For multiple District Admin accounts, list the names and email addresses in the same order (in their respective fields).
b.) For multiple Campus Admin accounts, list the campus names, admin names, and admin email addresses in the same order (in their respective fields) so we know which admin belongs to which campus.
6.) If there are any special circumstances with the request, or you feel that further clarification is necessary, please elaborate in the Comments field.
7.) When a Campus Admin account is created, it will receive both the Campus User Admin and Campus Content Admin roles. If the administrator only needs one of these roles, please specify that in the Comments field. Note that the Campus Content Creator role is not necessary if a user is assigned the Campus Content Admin role.
8.) When a District Admin account is created, it will receive both the District User Admin and District Content Admin roles. If the administrator only needs one of these roles, please specify that in the Comments field. Note that the District Content Creator role is not necessary if a user is assigned the District Content Admin role.
9.) The District Content Creator role can be assigned to any user by an existing District User Admin through the Edit Users section of Account Administration. The District Content Creator role allows a user to create district content (YAGs, IFDs, assessments, assessment items, etc.) but prevents them from publishing the content and making it visible to all district users. A District Content Admin must vet the content and decide what to publish. Please contact the TEKS RS Tech Support Help Desk if you need additional details.