Click on the Tools navigation category (drop-down) to reveal the different options associated with various custom features. Click on the desired option to navigate to that page.
Tools Home is a navigation landing page that includes all the subsequent components options with brief descriptions of each one.
Click on the desired option to navigate to that page.
District Resources allows users to access additional district-uploaded resources.
My Content allows users to manage their custom content, including lesson plans, IFDs, and YAGs.
My Favorites allows users to bookmark frequently referenced components and sites outside of the system. Users can also upload personalized resources.
My Profile allows users to manage their account information, including name, email address, and professional interests.
My Calendar allows users to create a calendar with TCMPC, district, or personalized content. Users can also add notes and create recurring events on their calendars.
Walkthrough Tool allows users to view and print Walkthrough forms for the purposes of lesson observation.
Website Builder allows users to build their own professional classroom website.