Users have a few different options for creating YAG Customization Tools (YCTs) or utilizing existing YCTs, particularly depending on a user's account permissions. The explanation below outlines the various use case scenarios and includes hyperlinks to the applicable areas of the site and related support guides.
Please note that a YCT is an extension of a YAG; therefore, they share the same template for creating or editing one.
Basic User (Teacher)
- Locate and view a district-created YCT on the Search All Components page of the site (use the View District Content Only filter)
- See Viewing a YAG and/or YCT support guide
- Create a YCT using an existing TEKS RS or District YAG/YCT located on the Search All Components or Curriculum Quick Search page of the site (click Create My Version button)
- This is ideal if you would like to use the YAG portion as is
- See Create a YCT Using an Existing YAG support guide
- Create your very own YCT from scratch on the My YAGs/YCTs page (must have Campus Content Creator role)
- This requires users to first select/align their desired units and SEs to build out the YAG
- See Create a YCT support guide
- Update one of your previously created YAGs (on the My YAGs/YCTs page) by adding YCT information to it
District Content Admin
- Create a District YCT using an existing TEKS RS YAG or District YAG/YCT located on the Search All Components or Curriculum Quick Search page of the site (click Create District Version button or select Edit for an existing District YAG)
- This is ideal if you would like to use the YAG portion as is
- See Create a District YCT Using an Existing YAG support guide
- Create a District YCT from scratch on the District YAGs/YCTs page
- This requires admins to first select/align their desired units and SEs to build out the YAG
- See Create a District YCT support guide
- Update a previously created District YAG by adding YCT information to it (select Edit for an existing District YAG on the District YAGs/YCTs page)
- District YCTs can be published on the District YAGs/YCTs page, allowing all district users to access them via the Search All Components page of the site
- See Making District Content Available to Users support guide