Authorized individuals can enable the Website Builder tool, allowing users within the district to create their own public website for communication with parents and students.
REQUIRED ROLE: District Content Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > Tools Administration
To turn the tool on or off, click on the System Management drop-down in the site's main navigation menu and select the Tools Administration option.
For the Website Builder listing, click the toggle button to turn the tool ON or OFF.
When this tool is turned on, district users can access the Website Builder within the Tools navigation menu.
The first time users access the tool, they will have to agree to the Terms of Use by clicking the I Agree to the Terms of Use button. The terms can be viewed first by clicking the Terms of Use link.
After doing so, district users can then create their own websites using the tool.
To turn access to the Website Builder off, click the OFF button.
This means users will be denied access to the Website Builder when selecting this option within the Tools drop-down menu. This also means that all websites previously created and enabled by users will be disabled and inaccessible.