Users can create additional pages to customize their website.
SITE ACCESS: Tools > Website Builder
Under My Website Pages, click Add Webpage.
This will open the rich text editor, allowing you to name the page and add any additional information.
To create a sub-page for an existing webpage, locate the page that you wish to create the sub-page for and click the Options button.
Use the rich-text editor to name and add content to the page. You can use the editor, which functions very similar to a word processor, to enter text, hyperlinks, and graphics that will appear on the New Webpage.
Be sure that Show this page on your website menu? is checked so that this course will display on your site’s menu on the Website Builder tab
Check Make this page available online? if you are ready to have this webpage visible to people who visit your Website.
Click Save. You will be returned to the main Website Builder tab.
The New Webpage will be added to the list under My Website Pages.
Repeat to add as many additional Pages as necessary.
Folders can be re-arranged and re-ordered by dragging and dropping in the appropriate location. Simply click to the far left of the page title to use the drag and drop functionality.