On the TCR Content Access Management page of the System Management section, District Content Administrators are able to manage which campuses have access to Texas Curriculum Resources (TCR) by specific subject areas and grade levels/courses. If the district has a subscription to both TEKS RS and TCR, access to the TEKS RS and TCR materials will be mutually exclusive. However, users with the District Content Admin role will always have access to both sets of materials (regardless of the access settings).
Note that the District/Campus Content access settings operate independently from the User-Level Access feature. The intention is for one or the other to be utilized, not both.
REQUIRED ROLE: District Content Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > TCR Content Access
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Manage TCR Content Access by Campus
Click on the System Management drop-down in the site’s main navigation menu and select the TCR Content Access option.
On the TCR Content Access Management page, there are separate TCR Content Access tables for every campus that allow for customized settings at each one. In the tables, a checked box means the associated category is turned ON, while an unchecked box means it is turned OFF. The default setting is OFF for all TCR components throughout the site for all campuses.
When users attempt to access TCR materials that are turned off, they will receive the following message:
To turn TCR on for any subject area and grade level/course at a particular campus, simply check the associated box.
Performing this action will allow users at that campus to access all TCR components (IFDs, YAGs, etc.) pertaining to that particular subject area and grade level/course.
If the district has a subscription to both TEKS RS and TCR, access to the TEKS RS and TCR materials will be mutually exclusive. Checking a box for a campus on the TCR Content Access page will turn off the equivalent box on the TEKS RS Content Access Management page, thus restricting campus user access to the TEKS RS content for that particular subject area and grade level/course.
TCR (on for campus):
TEKS RS (off/restricted for campus):
To turn TCR on for all subject areas and grade levels/courses, check the Select All Grade Levels/Courses box at the top of the table for the desired campus.
Alternatively, uncheck the Select All Grade Levels/Courses box for that campus to turn all subject areas and grade levels/courses back off again.
If you belong to a district that has access to both TEKS RS and TCR and you would like to turn TEKS RS materials back on for a campus, navigate to the TEKS RS Content Access page and check the applicable boxes in that particular campus.
If you would like all TEKS RS subject areas and grade levels/courses turned on, simply check the Select All Grade Levels/Courses box in the District-Wide table.