REQUIRED ROLE: District User Admin or Campus User Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > Reporting > Number of Logins Report > View Report
NOTE: If you cannot see the link to Reporting in System Management and believe you should have access, please contact your district administrator or ESC representative.
Click on the System Management drop-down in the site's main navigation menu, and select the Reporting option.
This will take you to the Reports landing page where you will select the report you would like to run. At this time, you can generate a report on the Number of Logins for your organization. Click the View Report button to open the report options.
You will first need to make some filter selections before you can generate the report.
- Organization: If you are a District Administrator, you will be able to select a specific campus within your district or generate a report for all campuses within your district. Use the drop-down menu for organization to select the appropriate organization that you want to generate the login report for.
- Role: You can choose to include just users with a specific role in your report by making a selection from the Role drop-down filter, or you can leave the All selection to include all user with all roles within your organization.
- Account Status: You can include all user accounts or choose to only include users who are currently enabled. Make your selection from the Account Status drop-down filter. Note: If you choose All, then disabled users will appear shaded grey in the report.
- Start and End Dates: You can click on the calendar icon to select specific start and end dates to create a specific time frame for the report.
You can also check the Null box to generate a report that includes all logins for the selected organization (without being specific to a selected time frame).
Once you have selected the appropriate parameters for your report, click the View Report button located on the right side of the window.
Once you select View Report, the report will display and users will be listed by name in alphabetical order. The report will include the name, email addresses, roles, and number of logins for all users within the organization selected.
If you selected all users and did not filter out disabled users, when you view this report the disabled users are shaded grey as you can see in the sample below.
At the end of the report, the last rows identify totals. You may need to scroll down to see them.
If the report is more than one page, click on the arrows in the toolbar to page through the list.
You may also enter the name of a user or campus in the Search field and click the Enter key on your keyboard to quickly jump to its location in the report.
You can sort the list by the number of logins so that instead of seeing the users listed alphabetically you can see the users with the highest number of logins at the top of the list. To do this, simply click on the Number of Logins arrow and the list will re-order so that the first one in the list has the most logins.
You can export the report to a variety of formats, such as a CSV or Excel, by clicking the Export (floppy disk) icon in the toolbar. This will open a drop-down menu that allows you to select the format of the file you wish to generate. The CSV file type is the most convenient for viewing all users on the same page, while Excel provides the benefit of creating a separate tab for each individual campus.
The file should download automatically. Click on the file to open it and save it to your computer.