If the Viewable feature is turned ON by the district for both Unit Assessment Items and Formative Assessment Items, users may search for unit assessment and formative items from the appropriate item collection(s).
SITE ACCESS: TEKS Resource System Components > Assessment Center > Search/Edit Assessment Items
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Assessment Item "Options"
To locate existing assessment items (and edit your My Created Items collection), select the Search/Edit option in the Assessment Items section of the Assessment Center landing page.
You may now browse for assessment items using the navy blue search filter panel. To begin your search, first pick the item collection(s) you wish to view.
- TEKS RS Collection: Items created by TCMPC Content Coordinators
- District Collection: Items created by District Admins (part of district content)
- My Created Items Collection: Items created by you (personalized collection)
The Grade Level, Subject Area, and Course (if applicable) filter options are required search fields.
The next set of fields are all optional, depending on how specific or generic you would like your search to be. Select the Course Version (if applicable) from the drop down. Then, choose the Item Bank (Unit Assessment Item or Formative Item) and/or Item Type (Multiple Choice, Short Constructed Response, Griddable, etc.). The options displayed for each of these drop-downs is directly dependent on what is available for the combination of already selected search filters (item collection(s), grade, subject, and course).
There is also an optional Keyword search field provided, allowing you to search by a certain word/phrase either relating to the assessment item or part of the item title.
Archived items will be hidden from the general search. However, you can use the Show Archived checkbox to view any previously archived assessment items.
You may also narrow your search by units and/or standards. To locate assessment items that align to a specific unit, click the Units checkbox and select the desired unit(s). The units displayed are directly dependent on what is available for the combination of filters you selected to that point.
To locate assessment items that align to a specific standard, click the Standards checkbox and select the desired standard(s). The standards displayed are directly dependent on what is available for the combination of filters you selected to that point. The standard types will also be designated (red for Readiness, green for Supporting, and purple for Process).
To narrow your search by both units and standards, check both boxes and select your desired unit(s) and standards(s).
Once all of your desired search filters have been chosen, click the Search button to execute the search. The Reset button allows you to clear out all of the filters previously selected, and make new selections.
Your search results will display to the left of the navy blue filter panel. To collapse the filter panel and hide it from view, click the right-pointing arrow.
To expand (re-open) the filter panel, click the left-pointing arrow.
To view all of the items related to your search, use the page navigation buttons at the top of the search results.
Each item will have an icon displayed next to its title designating which item collection it belongs to.
District |
My Created Items |
To collapse a particular item and hide its contents from view, click the minus symbol located in the upper left corner of the item. Click the plus symbol to expand it.
To view the full text of any standard(s) associated with an assessment item, hover the cursor over the Standard number, or click on it to open a new browser tab showing it in the Standards section of the site.
If a District Assessment Item Flag is present for an item, it indicates that the item currently exists on a published district-created assessment. Click the assessment title link if you wish to view the district assessment.
Item Assets are items such as reading passages, images, or diagrams that are listed before the related items (questions). They are designated with an Item Asset label in the upper left corner of the item. Click the View Assessment Items text below an Item Asset to view the related item(s). Click the Hide Assessment Items text to remove them from view.
For TEKS RS Items only, click the Options button and select Submit Feedback in order to send feedback about an item to the TCMPC Content Coordinators.
The following actions can only be performed for items belonging to the My Created Items collection:
To modify one of your customized items, click the Options button and select Edit.
To hide the item from view, click the Options button and select Archive (item can still be accessed using "Show Archived" search filter).
To remove an item from the archive, click the Options button and select Re-Activate.
To remove an item from the My Created Items collection entirely, click the Options button and select Delete. Note that this action cannot be undone.
If you have the District Content Creator or Admin role, you may transfer an item from the My Created Items collection to the District Items collection by clicking the Options button and selecting Add to District.
After doing so, you may locate the item in the District Assessment Center. See the District Assessment Center support section for more information.
See the Search/Edit Assessment Items: Create My Version support guide for information on how to generate your own custom version of an existing item.