Before viewing overall Check for Understanding (CFU) results data, you will need to administer multiple CFU instances. For guidance with creating a new CFU, please see the Create a New Check for Understanding support guide.
Please note this feature is intended as a formative method of assessment to help drive instruction and is not meant as a means for collecting grades for individual students. CFUs can be administered throughout the course of a unit, used as an "Exit Slip", or given as a unit pre-test to gauge students' prior knowledge.
SITE ACCESS: TEKS Resource System Components > Assessment Center > Check for Understanding > Analysis Overview
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Assessment Analysis Overview
On the Assessment Center landing page, select the Analysis Overview option under the Check for Understanding section.
The Assessment Analysis Overview section displays each of your assessments that have Checks for Understanding (CFUs) associated with them. This page provides broad data to examine general patterns based on the performance of all your students, instead of separate groups. It also gives a quick glimpse in determining which of your assessments have been administered as a CFU.
If you wish to narrow the results, use the search filters provided.
a. Enter a keyword, phrase, or assessment title in the Keyword Search.
b. Select the desired Grade Level and Subject Area or Course that correspond with the assessment of interest.
c. Click the Search button to perform the search, or select Reset Search to clear the selections.
The results section includes the title of each assessment, the total number of respondents that completed the assessment, the class average/overall performance, the assessment's total number of questions, and the most frequently utilized standards on the assessment.
To organize the assessments in alphabetical order by title, click the Assessment column heading.
To organize the assessment results by average performance in ascending or descending order, click Sort by Score.
To view one of the actual assessments (within the Assessment Center), click on an individual hyperlinked assessment title.
The key above the results table indicates the standard type of the Frequently Used Standards.
To view the full text of any of the Frequently Used Standards, click the desired standard hyperlink. This will display the standard in the context of the Browse Standards page of the site.