The Standards Addressed section essentially operates as a gap analysis tool by indicating which standards have been addressed through completed Checks for Understanding (CFUs), and which have not. This section can be used as an ongoing resource as future CFUs are administered. For guidance with creating a new CFU, please see the Create a New Check for Understanding support guide.
Please note this feature is intended as a formative method of assessment to help drive instruction and is not meant as a means for collecting grades for individual students. Checks for Understanding can be administered throughout the course of a unit, used as an "Exit Slip", or given as a unit pre-test to gauge students' prior knowledge.
SITE ACCESS: TEKS Resource System Components > Assessment Center > Check for Understanding > Standards Addressed
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Standards Addressed through CFUs
On the Assessment Center landing page, select the Standards Addressed option under the Check for Understanding (CFU) section.
Use the search filters provided to locate the standards associated with your CFUs.
a. Enter a keyword, phrase, or CFU title in the Keyword Search.
b. Select a Start Date and End Date to key in on CFUs administered during a specific timeframe. Enter the date in the format shown, or use the calendar icon to select the dates.
c. Select the desired Grade Level and Subject Area or Course that correspond with the standards of interest.
d. Click the Search button to perform the search, or select Reset Search to clear the selections.
The Standards Addressed section displays the search results. The progress bar and Status show the overall percentage of standards (for the selected Grade/Subject or Course) that have been included on your CFUs thus far.
Each standard listed in the results will display an icon to the left of the standard code indicating if it has been included on a CFU ("Complete" text with green check mark) or not ("Incomplete" text with red 'X').
The text to the right of each standard also provides this designation. If the standard has not appeared on a CFU, "Covered in 0 Checks for Understanding" will appear in the row. If the standard does appear on a CFU, the number of times it has been included will be noted (e.g., "Covered in 4 Checks for Understanding").
Clicking the row of a standard that has not appeared on a CFU will reveal the full standard text and a hyperlink to its associated section of the Browse Standards page within the site.
Clicking the row of a standard that has been included on a CFU will reveal the full standard text and hyperlink, but it will also include:
- A link to the applicable CFU (may be more than one)
- The question number(s) the standard is associated with on the CFU
- The percentage of students that answered that question correctly
- The overall score for all questions on a given CFU related to that standard.
Click the CFU title (link) to view it.