Once a Check for Understanding (CFU) has been created and the web link has been distributed to students, they may access it anonymously and enter their responses. Students should not share any identifying information in their answers. Please note this feature is intended as a formative method of assessment to help drive instruction and is not meant as a means for collecting grades for individual students. CFUs can be administered throughout the course of a unit, used as an "Exit Slip", or given as a unit pre-test to gauge students' prior knowledge.
SITE ACCESS: TEKS Resource System Components > Assessment Center > Create/View Check for Understanding > Get Link
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Submit a Check for Understanding (Student View)
Accessing a Check for Understanding
Click on Get Link in the Actions column for the desired Check for Understanding (CFU) in the queue area.
Select the Copy button to copy the web link to your clipboard. Then, paste the link into your web browser. If you have already hyperlinked the URL to a word or string of text, simply click on it to launch the page.
If students have difficulty accessing the link provided to them, the instructions below will work in most web browsers:
- Highlight the link with the mouse and copy the link using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+C, or by right-clicking the mouse and selecting Copy
- Paste the link into your web browser’s address bar by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+V, or by right-clicking your mouse and selecting Paste
- Press Enter on the keyboard
Completing and Submitting a Check for Understanding (Student View)
The top of the Check for Understanding page contains information about the CFU, including the title, which is displayed at the top of the screen.
The Due Date, Number of Questions, and Completion Status of the CFU are listed in boxes beneath the title.
The Assessment Incomplete text means that the CFU has not been submitted yet.
The Instructions section will contain any additional instructions you have included for students on the actual assessment. If no instructions have been added, this section will be hidden.
To answer a multiple choice question, students select the radio button in front of the desired answer choice.
To answer an open-ended, essay, or constructed response question, students click the text box below the question and type their desired response.
Once a CFU has been completed and is ready for submission, students click the Submit Assessment button at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: This action cannot be undone, so all work should be double-checked before the button is selected.
After submitting the assessment, a message appears at the top of the page stating that the response has been successfully submitted and the assessment is complete. The CFU can then be closed. You may examine the students' responses on the View Results page (see View Results support guide).
If you have elected for correct answers to be shown post-submission (for multiple choice items only), the correct response to each question will be displayed so students can check their work. A message will display below each question indicating if the correct or incorrect answer choice was selected. The correct answer choices will have check marks beside them.