Vertical Alignment: Vertically tracks the depth and complexity of a standard through grade levels.
TEKS Clarification: Outlines the standards taught and includes clarifying specificity.
Enhanced TEKS Clarification (K-8 Math Only): Includes additional in-depth specificity.
Year at a Glance: View standards bundled into units of instruction with a recommended order for the year.
TEKS Verification: View the standards taught within the year in a single snapshot.
Instructional Focus Documents: Bundles student expectations into units of instruction, with a rationale for the bundling of certain TEKS; provides major concepts for the unit as well as key understandings for students.
Performance Assessments: Assessment items that offer evidence of student attainment of, and/or progression toward identified standards.
Performance Assessment Rubrics: Used to assess student attainment of, and/or progression toward identified standards.
Resources: Supplemental resources for supporting and enhancing instruction.
District-Created Plans: Lesson plans created by the district and published for district users to view and access.