Basic users throughout the district may add personalized notes to any TEKS RS Instructional Focus Document (IFD) that will only be visible to them, whenever they access the document.
SITE ACCESS: TEKS Resource System Components > Search All Components or Curriculum Search
Click on the TEKS Resource System Components drop-down in the site’s main navigation menu and select the Search All Components or Curriculum Quick Search option. Use the associated support guides (Search All Components and Curriculum Quick Search) for assistance with using either of these pages to locate the desired Instructional Focus Document.
After locating the IFD of interest, click on the Teacher Notes link in the navigation menu along the left side of the page.
Click the Edit button in order to add notes.
In the text box provided, type in notes you wish to include. You may also add any desired hyperlinks that pertain to this particular IFD. For hyperlinks, use the Insert/Edit Link button in the text editor menu.
To add documents from your My Favorites section of the site, click the Add From My Favorites icon in the text editor menu.
Select the desired folder in the left-hand menu, then check the box(es) of the District Resources you wish to add. Click the Insert Selected button when you are done.
To add documents that your district has published and made available to you in the District Resources section of the site, click the District Resources Manager (schoolhouse) icon in the text editor menu.
Select the desired folder in the left-hand menu, then check the box(es) of the District Resource(s) you wish to add.
Click the Insert Selected button when you are done.
Click the Save button when you are finished adding notes, or click the Cancel button if you wish to abandon the changes.
After saving, the newly added notes will immediately be linked to this IFD and will be visible as part of the document each time you access the IFD in the future (regardless of which pathway you take to get there).
You may modify these notes at any time by clicking the Edit button once again.