Users may access the TEKS RS Conceptual Vertical Alignment Viewer (CVAD) for Social Studies, which is designed to demonstrate the relationships between the state standards (TEKS) and concepts/overarching understandings across multiple grade levels/courses. The tool allows users to select specific (or broad) criteria to examine these various relationships.
Click on the Components drop-down in the site’s main navigation menu and select the Search All Components or TEKS RS Curriculum Quick Search option.
On the Search All Components page, select the desired Grade Level and Subject Area (or Course) using the search filters provided. Choose the Vertical Alignment option from the Component Type search filter.
Then, perform your search and click on the K-12 Social Studies Conceptual VAD title in the search results area. If you need assistance using this page, please refer to the Search All Components support guide.
Alternatively, on the TEKS RS Curriculum Quick Search page, select the desired Grade Level and Subject Area (or Course) using the search filters provided.
Then, perform your search and click on the expandable Vertical Alignment folder. Click on the K-12 Social Studies Conceptual VAD title in the search results below the folder. If you need assistance using this page, please refer to the Curriculum Quick Search support guide.
On the Vertical Alignment page itself, click the View the Vertical Alignment link.
On the Conceptual Vertical Alignment Viewer page, use the provided filters to narrow your results and examine the relationships. First, select whether you wish to search by Student Expectation (SE) or Overarching Understanding and Concept.
If searching by Student Expectation (SE), select the desired Grade Level and Subject Area or Course. Then, choose the Student Expectation that you wish to see relationships for. Click the Search button to perform your search.
The Overarching Understanding, Overarching Concept, and Unit Concept that relate to your selected SE will be displayed at the top of the relationship results area. All the other SEs that appear in the results area are also related to the given Overarching Understanding, Overarching Concept, and Unit Concept combination.
To expand or collapse all applicable grade levels/courses in the results area, click the Expand All or Collapse All button, respectively.
The selected grade level/course will be open by default, and the SE you chose will be highlighted. Any related Knowledge and Skill Statements and/or SEs in the given grade level/course will also be displayed.
To view the related Knowledge and Skill Statements and/or SEs in other grade levels/courses (where applicable), click the desired grade level/course bar(s) to expand it/them.
All Knowledge and Skill Statements and SEs are hyperlinked to their respective locations in the standards tree of the site for easy reference. They are also color-coded according to their assessment classification by TEA (i.e., Readiness, Supporting, Process, etc.), as explained by the key on the left below the search filters.
If searching by Overarching Understanding and Concept instead, select the desired Subject Area.
Then, choose the Overarching Understanding, Overarching Concept, and Unit Concept that you wish to view relationships for. You may select any combination of these three filters (e.g., choose an Overarching Understanding and Overarching Concept, but leave the Unit Concept filter blank). The more filters selections you make, the more specific your results will be.
The filters act dynamically. For example, if a particular Overarching Understanding is selected, the Overarching Concept filter options will only display what is applicable/related to the given Overarching Understanding. The filters also function in reverse order, meaning a Unit Concept can be selected first, which then drives the available options for the Overarching Concept filter, and so on.
Click the Search button to perform your search.
The Overarching Understanding, Overarching Concept, and Unit Concept that you selected will be displayed at the top of the relationship results area.
To expand or collapse all applicable grade levels/courses in the results area, click the Expand All or Collapse All button, respectively.
To view the Knowledge and Skill Statements and/or SEs related to your search criteria, click the desired grade level/course bar(s) to expand it/them.
All the Knowledge and Skill Statements and SEs that appear in the results area are related to the given Overarching Understanding, Overarching Concept, and Unit Concept combination.
All Knowledge and Skill Statements and SEs are hyperlinked to their respective locations in the standards tree of the site for easy reference. They are also color-coded according to their assessment classification by TEA (i.e., Readiness, Supporting, Process, etc.), as explained by the key on the left below the search filters.