If capability is turned ON in the District Content Settings of Content Administration, authorized users can create customized versions of TCMPC IFD and YAG components, and publish them for district use.
REQUIRED ROLE: District Content Creator
REQUIRED SETTING: Create District Version > ON
SITE ACCESS: TEKS Resource System Components > Curriculum Quick Search
To find TCMPC components you'd like to customize, click on the TEKS Resource System Components drop-down in the site's main navigation menu and select the Curriculum Quick Search option.
Select the desired Grade Level, Subject Area, and Course (if applicable), and then click the Search button.
Find a YAG or IFD in the list and click the title to open the component page.
When the page opens, click the Create District Version button at the top of the page.
Note: if the Create District Version button is missing, this means it is turned off in the District Content Settings. Contact your District Content Administrator to request that this be turned on.
By default, the system appends your district name to the existing YAG or IFD title. However, this title can be modified as necessary to suit your district's needs.
Modifying the District Version of the YAG
After creating a district version of a TEKS RS YAG, you may remove some of the existing standards by unchecking the desired boxes.
To remove an existing unit from the YAG, click the Remove button in the upper right corner of the unit. To reorder the units, either click the title to drag and drop the desired unit to its new location, or click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to achieve the desired position.
To add a different unit (IFD) to the YAG, click the Manage Alignments button at the bottom of the six-week or nine-week section.
Use the desired search filters to perform a search of available IFDs. The list will display both TEKS RS and district-created IFDs. TEKS RS IFDs are indicated by the TEKS RS logo, while district-created IFDs are indicated by a schoolhouse icon.
Click the Add button to include this unit on the YAG.
Modifying the District Version of the IFD
After creating a district version of a TEKS RS IFD, you can edit any of the desired text field(s) and/or drop-down selections.
To add or remove standards, scroll down to the appropriate standards section and click the Manage Standards button.
To remove standards, click the Delete button for each one you wish to delete under the Current Academic Standards column.
To add more standards, use the appropriate filters to refine your search and click the Search button.
Under the Standard Search Results section, click the Add button for any standard(s) you wish to add.
Click the Save button at the top of the page when you are finished making all desired modifications to the IFD.
Once the components have been customized and are ready for district users, they can then be published. Please see the Make District Content Available to Users support guide for more information.
District Content Creators/Admins can also create these components from scratch, using their own district-defined content, alignments, and resources.
- For information about creating a district IFD from scratch, please see the Create a District IFD support guide.
- For information about creating a district YAG from scratch, please see the Create a District YAG support guide.