District versions of Plans, IFDs, YAGs, and Assessments can be published for district use.
District users can locate published district content through the Search All Components page within the TEKS Resource System Components navigation drop-down. District users can locate published district assessments on the Search/Edit Assessments section of the Assessment Center (within TEKS Resource System Components navigation drop-down).
REQUIRED ROLE: District Content Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > District Content
Click on the System Management drop-down in the site's main navigation menu, and select the District Content option.
Click on the desired content type option in the sub-menu.
Whether you are on the District Plan, IFD, YAG, or Search/Edit District Assessments page (within District Assessment Center), you will see a 'Publish to live site?' option with a YES/NO toggle button in the Options column next to an item.
When content has initially been created it will display a status of 'Draft'.
When you set this toggle to YES, the item changes to 'Published' status and is available to district users through the Search All Components page on the District Resources tab.
You will also receive a confirmation indicating the item has been added to component searches for users to view. Click OK to continue.
If you no longer want content to be available to district users, or need to temporarily remove the content from the site, set this toggle to NO. The item will then appear in 'Taken Offline' status and no longer appears in any search for components.
You will also receive a confirmation indicating the item has been removed from component searches (no longer accessible to users). Click OK to continue.