Authorized district users can create Year At a Glance (YAG) components from scratch, using the TEKS alignments in their own district-created Instructional Focus Documents (IFDs) or selecting from a TEKS RS-created IFD. This document can then be published and made available to all district users. If you wish to create a District YAG Customization Tool (YCT), please see the related Create a District YCT support guide instead.
Note: If aligning the YAG to district-created IFDs, make sure the IFDs are created and published within District Content before creating the YAG.
REQUIRED ROLE: District Content Creator or Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > District Content > District YAG/YCT
Click on the System Management drop-down in the site's main navigation menu, and select the District Content option.
Click on the District YAG/YCT option in the sub-menu.
Select the 6-Week View or 9-Week View option from the drop-down menu in the upper, right corner.
Next, click the Create New YAG/YCT button.
Enter an appropriate Title for the YAG and click Continue.
When the Edit page opens, complete the Document Tags section by selecting a Grade, Subject, Course (if applicable), and Course Version (where appropriate).
For the Document Type, the Year at a Glance option has already been selected for you. Be sure to leave the YAG Customization Tool (YCT) box unchecked.
For the Unit of Time, select whether you would like to the unit (IFD) durations to display on the published view in Days and/or Minutes by checking the desired box(es).
Click to expand the first 6 or 9-week section.
In the Alignments section, click the Manage Alignments button to select the units (IFDs) that should belong to the first 6 or 9 week period.
In the Manage Alignments modal, select the Grade, Subject, Course (if applicable), and Course Version (where appropriate) that are associated with IFD(s) you wish to locate. Then, click the Search button.
In the results list, TEKS RS-curated content will display the TEKS RS logo next to it, whereas any published, district-created content will show a district icon. To view a list of both the district and TEKS RS IFDs, simply leave the View District Content Only filter unchecked.
In order to search for district content only (i.e., custom IFDs), check the View District Content Only box. This will display a list of published, district-created IFDs.
Click the Add button(s) to select the desired IFD(s).
Once added, the titles of the IFDs will appear under the Selected Alignments column on the right side. Click the Remove button(s) if you wish to delete any alignment(s).
When you are done, click the Save button at the bottom.
Once you have saved your selections, the IFD (unit) title and Student Expectations (SEs) aligned to each IFD will be listed. Here, you can customize your selections further by selecting only those Student Expectations you wish to appear on the District YAG. All SEs are selected by default. Uncheck any SEs that should not appear on the published view of the YAG.
After adding the desired IFDs (units) for the 6 or 9-week period, they can be reordered by clicking on the IFD title bar and dragging it to the desired position. Alternatively, click the Move Up or Move Down button to shift the unit up or down a single position. Click the Remove button if you wish to delete the unit alignment entirely.
Click to expand each of the remaining 6 or 9-week periods and repeat the steps above.
Click the Preview YAG button at the top of the page (or in the pinned menu bar) to see a preview of what the document will look like (including the units and Student Expectations). Both the IFDs and SEs link back to the respective content.
Please note that if a District IFD title doesn't appear as a link (i.e., is not underlined), this means the Unit Overview on the IFD is blank. Districts can add the Unit Overview at their own discretion.
Once all 6 or 9-week periods have been populated, click the Save or Save and Close button at the top of the page (or in the pinned menu bar).
To publish the YAG for district users to view, navigate to the Manage District YAGs/YCTs page, locate the desired YAG, and click the Publish button under the Options column.
Users can then locate the YAG on the Search All Components page of the site using the View District Content Only filter.
See the Publishing District Content support guide for further information about this topic.