Users can create an online calendar, or planbook, to track what is being taught during specified dates.
SITE ACCESS: Tools > My Calendar
Once a calendar has been created, a number of options are available. Users can:
- Change the name
- Adjust the start/end dates
- Update the number of Periods/Subjects taught
- Change the Default View Mode (day/week)
- Add/edit/remove TCMPC, District-created, or custom content
- Add notes or recurring tasks
- Print a PDF version
In addition, calendars can be shared with colleagues or submitted to an administrator for review.
Click on the Tools drop down in the site's main navigation menu, and select the My Calendar option.
From the item list, find the calendar you wish to update and click the Options button to reveal the menu of available options:
View - opens to the day/week calendar view, with edit capability
Edit - allows users to make changes to the basic attributes of the calendar (i.e. name, dates, etc.), as well the calendar view.
Ready For Review/Mark As Draft - changes the status so that an administrator can review the calendar (Ready For Review), or allow the user to update prior to review (Mark As Draft)
Collaborate - allows users to share the calendar with others
Print Week - creates a printable version of the week calendar view
Delete - deletes the record from the TEKS Resource System
Users can click the Edit option to see the Edit Calendar page, where the basic attributes of the calendar can be updated.
To advance to the calendar view, click the Save Calendar button and then click the edit link in the pop-up (i.e. 'clicking here' link).
You can also access the calendar view by clicking the Options button and selecting View from the menu.
After the calendar view opens up, you may change your view of the calendar by toggling between the Today, Day or Week view. You can also use the Date Selector tool to select a specific date within the calendar.
Click the backward/forward arrows to view previous and subsequent weeks.
After you've added the number of Periods or Subjects to your calendar, you can change the label for each.
To change the label of the Period or Subject, simply click on the existing title in the row to enable the Edit feature – type in the desired title and click the green check mark.
To add content or notes and recurring tasks to a specific period or subject, use the buttons provided in the left column.
Add Content - allows user to select from TCMPC and District-created content
Add My Content - allows user to select from custom plans, IFDs, and YAGs saved in Design Templates
Add a Note - allows user to add a personal note to a specific date or date range
Add a Recurring Item - allows user to add a recurring event (i.e. weekly spelling test, science lab, personal task, etc.)
Delete - removes the entire period or subject from the calendar
To print a calendar, users can select the Print Week option from the list view or the Print Calendar button on the actual calendar view.