Authorized individuals can make district assessments accessible to district users through the Search All Components tool (within the TEKS Resource System Components navigation drop-down menu). When district assessments are ready to be made available to district users, they must be published.
REQUIRED ROLE: District Content Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > District Content > District Assessment Center > Search/Edit District Assessments
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Publishing a District Assessment
Select the Search/Edit option in the Assessments section of the District Assessment Center landing page.
From the Search/Edit District Assessments page, search for the desired existing district assessment(s) using the filters for Grade Level, Subject Area, Course (if applicable), and Version (if applicable). There is also an optional Keyword search field provided, allowing you to search by a certain word or phrase in the assessment title.
Click the Search button to perform the search. Click Reset Search if you wish to clear the selected filters.
When assessments are initially created, they will display a status of 'Draft'.
To publish an existing district assessment in the search results and make it live for district users to view, click YES on the “Publish to live site?” toggle switch at the end of the assessment row. When you set this toggle to YES and the switch is highlighted in green, the assessment changes to the 'Published' status and becomes available to district users through the District Assessments page.
You will also receive a confirmation indicating the assessment has been successfully published. Click OK to continue.
District users can locate published district assessments under the District Assessments tab of the Search/Edit Assessments section in the Assessment Center.
To unpublish a district assessment and remove it from district users’ view, click NO on the “Publish to live site?” toggle switch. When you set this toggle to NO and the switch is highlighted in red, the assessment status changes to 'Taken Offline' and the assessment will no longer appear for users on the District Assessments page.
You will also receive a confirmation indicating the assessment has been successfully unpublished. Click OK to continue.