REQUIRED ROLE: District Content Admin or District Content Creator
SITE ACCESS: System Management > District Content > District Assessment Center > Search/Edit District Assessment Items
1.) Adding a My Created Item to District Collection
2.) Publishing and Unpublishing District Items
To locate existing assessment items or edit those housed within the District Collection, select the Search/Edit option in the Assessment Items section of the District Assessment Center landing page.
You may now browse for assessment items using the navy blue search filter panel. The District Search/Edit Assessment Items page is identical to what a basic district user sees (for further information, see the correlating user Search/Edit Assessment Items support guide). The item search/edit functionality is the same, with four exceptions described below:
1.) The My Created Items collection is not accessible since these items are housed within the Assessment Center section of the site, not the District Assessment Center.
2.) You may only create a version of items belonging to the TEKS RS collection. To create a custom copy of an assessment item, click the Options button next to it and select Create District Version. This new item will be housed in the District collection.
Please note that when you elect to create a version of a TEKS RS item, you will be making a modified copy that is disconnected from the original item collection. As such, this modified version will not receive any subsequent updates.
3.) District Content Admins may publish and unpublish district assessment items to make them accessible or inaccessible to basic district users within the Assessment Center section of the site. To do so, locate a desired item of interest in the District collection, click the Options button, and select Publish to make the item accessible to users, or select Unpublish to make the item inaccessible to users. Note that the Published/Unpublished labels next to the Options button designate each item’s status in the district item search results.
4.) District Content Admins and Creators may transfer one of their items from the My Created Items collection to the District collection. To do so, locate the desired item in the user Assessment Center (within District Resources), click the Options button, and select Add to District.
After doing so, the item can then be located in the District collection of the District Assessment Center.