Once customized district assessments have been created, there are several options to help manage them.
REQUIRED ROLE: District Content Admin or District Content Creator
SITE ACCESS: System Management > District Content > District Assessment Center > Search/Edit District Assessments
To locate and/or modify existing district assessments, select the Search/Edit option in the Assessments section of the District Assessment Center landing page.
From the Search/Edit District Assessments page, search for existing district assessments using the filters for Grade Level, Subject Area, Course (if applicable), and Version (if applicable). There is also an optional Keyword search field provided, allowing you to search by a certain word or phrase in the assessment title.
Click the Search button to perform the search. Click Reset Search if you wish to clear the selected filters.
Click the Options button to the right of an assessment in the list to view a menu of available options for that assessment.
From here, you have the capability to perform any of the following actions:
- Edit – allows you to view the live print preview and modify any part of the assessment
- PDF – creates a PDF version of the assessment to download and print; users can print the Student section only, Teacher section only, or both sections in the font size saved to the assessment
- Add Items – allows you to jump right to the item search page to locate items you would like to add to the assessment
- Publish History – examine the log kept for when the district assessment has been published (date/time) and by who (responsible user)
- Archive - stores the assessment for future retrieval, but removes it from the general assessment search (search filter provided; see explanation in item search Help section)
- Delete – deletes the assessment from the system
NOTE: Archived assessments (i.e. shaded in a darker color) will have the "Archived" status and be hidden from the general search. However, use the Show Archived filter to view any previously archived assessments.
To unarchive an assessment, click YES on the Publish to Live Site toggle switch.
To publish a district assessment and make it accessible for district users to view, see the Making District Assessments Available to Users support guide.