In order for district users to see resources that have been uploaded to the District Resources folders, the items must be published in the system.
Authorized individuals can publish items individually, or publish an entire folder's contents at once.
REQUIRED ROLE: District Content Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > District Resources
Publishing Individual Items
From the District Resources admin page, select the folder you'd like to publish contents for.
To the right of the file, you will find a Publish to live site? option. Click the Yes toggle button to make the file available to district users.
A confirmation pop-up will appear, indicating the item has been published.
The item now appears in Published status, and the toggle button changed to green, indicating it is now available to district users.
Publishing Entire Folder
To publish all files in a selected folder, click the Selected Folder Options button and select Publish Contents.
A confirmation will appear, asking if you wish to publish all items. Click OK to publish all items.
All items now appear in Published status (toggle button green) and are now available to district users.
Once items have been published, the District Resources can be found by district users under the Tools drop-down in the site's main navigation menu.
Unpublishing Items - Individual and Folder Contents
If you need to temporarily remove an item from district user view, you can unpublish the individual item by accessing the folder and setting the Publish to live site? toggle button to No next to the item.
This changes the item back to Draft status, and is no longer seen by district users in the District Resources folder.
Likewise, if you wish to remove an entire folder's contents, rather than unpublish each file individually, you can access the folder and select the Take Contents Offline option for the selected folder.
You will receive a confirmation, prompting you to click OK if you would like to continue and unpublish all items, or click Cancel if you'd like to review the folder contents before unpublishing.