This feature allows authorized individuals to add user accounts to the system, as well as update existing user accounts.
REQUIRED ROLE: District User Admin or Campus User Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > Account Administration
Click on the System Management drop-down in the site's main navigation menu, and select the Account Administration option.
When you land on the Account Administration page, there are several options for managing users’ accounts that you will see in the sub-navigation: Edit Users, Add User, Bulk Upload, Bulk Update, and Change Requests. Note that Bulk Upload and Bulk Update are only available to users with the District User Admin role.
- Edit Users allows admins to locate users within your district or campus and edit their information and permissions
- Add User allows admins to create accounts for users and should be used if you have a small set of accounts to create
- Bulk Upload allows District Admins to upload a spreadsheet to create and/or edit accounts for multiple users across your organization
- Bulk Update allows District Admins to upload a spreadsheet to update the account status for users across your organization, thereby preserving accounts you wish to remain active and deactivating all others
- Change Requests allows admins to review and approve requests by district users to change the name, email address, or grade/subject/course assignments on their user profile