Authorized individuals can utilize the Bulk Update import process (Excel file format) to designate which user accounts should remain active (enabled) in the system, thereby disabling all others that no longer belong to the district. Therefore, perform an upload on the Bulk Upload – Create/Edit page first in order to ensure that all active users have Employee IDs assigned to them.
REQUIRED ROLE: District User Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > Account Administration > Bulk Update
1.) Introduction to the Bulk Update Tool
2.) Update User Status Template
3.) Review Bulk Update Accounts
4.) Bulk Update Results (and Correcting Any Mistakes)
Click the Bulk Update button on the Account Administration page.
To download the Excel user upload file (spreadsheet), click the Update User Status Template link.
The only information that must be populated is the EmployeeID (column 1). A Bulk Upload – Create/Edit upload should be performed first in order to ensure that all active users already have Employee IDs assigned to them. The EmployeeID should be whatever unique alphanumeric value the district assigns to each of its employees (can be copied directly from the district’s personnel management system). The users may be listed in any order.
Note: Be careful when entering information into the spreadsheet. Make sure there are no spaces before or after the Employee IDs entered in each cell. Also, do not modify the columns, rows, name of the tab (Sheet1), or file format (XLSX). These will all result in an unsuccessful upload.
Save the file to your computer (XLSX format only). Prior to performing an Update upload, double-check the spreadsheet to be absolutely certain the list contains all user accounts that you wish to remain active. ANY DISTRICT USERS IN TRS THAT ARE ABSENT FROM THE SPREADSHEET WILL BE DISABLED (including users that lack an Employee ID). Therefore, be sure to perform a Bulk Upload (Create/Edit Users) first before following through with the Bulk Update.
To upload the spreadsheet, click the Browse or Choose File button and locate the completed Excel file (XLSX format only) on your computer.
After selecting the file, click Continue.
You will then be prompted to review the accounts for accuracy. The list must include all users that you wish to remain active, including yourself.
Once you have confirmed the user accounts you wish to keep enabled in the system, click the Submit button at the top of the page to enact the changes. Alternatively, click the Start Over button if you wish to cancel the upload and return to the beginning of the process.
You may then review the completed results. User accounts that were successfully disabled (due to being absent from the upload spreadsheet) will appear in the column on the left (in green).
Click the Start Over button to return to the Bulk Upload page.
If you inadvertently disabled any users that you did not intend to, navigate to the Bulk Upload section and perform a Create/Edit users upload. In the spreadsheet, be sure to include the disabled individuals that you would like to reactivate.