Authorized individuals can update the email domain (or format) for all users across the district using the Bulk Upload tool.
REQUIRED ROLE: District User Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > Account Administration > Bulk Upload
Click the Bulk Upload button on the Account Administration page.
To download the Excel user upload file (spreadsheet), click the Create/Edit Users Template link.
Next, follow the instructions on the Bulk Upload support guide and note the vital information below.
1.) If all users in your district already have Employee IDs assigned to them in TEKS RS, simply follow the Bulk Upload directions and input the new email addresses into the uploader spreadsheet. Then, see step 3 below.
2.) If any or all the users in your district are missing Employee IDs in TEKS RS, please follow the steps below:
a. Abide by the Bulk Upload directions and input the old email addresses (what is currently in TEKS RS) into the uploader spreadsheet, along with the appropriate Employee IDs.
b. After completing the first upload, the Employee IDs will now be assigned to all desired accounts. Perform a second bulk upload using the same completed spreadsheet as the first, but this time replace the old email addresses with the new ones.
3.) Communicate this change to everyone in the district so they are aware that they must use their new email addresses (usernames) to log into their accounts going forward. The old email addresses will no longer be valid for login purposes.