When a user has moved to a different campus within the district, or is now in a district-level position, the Organization of the user account can be changed to reflect this.
REQUIRED ROLE: District User Admin or Campus User Admin
SITE ACCESS: System Management > Account Administration > Edit Users
When accessing the Account Administration section, you will automatically land on the Edit Users page.
On the Edit Users page, located the desired user account, click the Options button, and select Edit.
To change the organization on a user account, click the Change option (with pencil icon) below the Organization field.
To find the appropriate campus (or district level), type the name in the Keyword Search field and click the magnifying glass icon. Select the appropriate organization from the list by clicking the radio button to its left.
Note: Users with the Campus User Admin role will only see the campus organization listed, and users with the District User Admin role will see the district-level organization along with all of its campuses.
If you have trouble locating the desired campus, just leave the search field blank and click the magnifying glass icon to perform an empty search. The results will include all applicable campuses within your district (based on your roles).
After selecting the organization, click the Save button to perform the changes and return to the Edit Users page.