Authorized individuals can block access to the site for any person who no longer works in the district. Likewise, the user account can be reinstated if the person should return to the district.
REQUIRED ROLE: District User Admin (Disable and Enable permission) or Campus User Admin (Disable permission only)
SITE ACCESS: System Management > Account Administration > Edit Users
When accessing the Account Administration section, you will automatically land on the Edit Users page.
Disable User (Performed by District User Admin or Campus User Admin)
On the Edit Users page, locate the desired user account using the appropriate search filters. If you need assistance with this step, please see the Search for User Accounts support guide. Click the Options button and select Disable.
There will be a pop-up window that appears to confirm that you would like to disable the account. Click OK to disable the user’s account.
If you search for the user by last name or email and choose to show disabled users, you will now see that user account is shaded.
NOTE: Disabled users will no longer be able to log into their accounts. Users are only notified of their account deactivation when they attempt to access their account, and they are prompted to contact a District User Admin if they have questions.
When a Campus User Admin clicks Edit for a disabled user, a shaded banner is displayed across the top of the page indicating the user’s account is disabled. Campus User Admins must contact a District User Admin to enable the user account.
Enable User (Performed by District User Admin only)
On the Edit Users page, locate the disabled user account, click the Options button, and select Enable.
A confirmation is displayed, indicating the account has been enabled. Click OK to close the message.
The user account is now active, and no longer shaded.