As part of completing the ELAR/SLAR template, users can enter information regarding prerequisites for teaching the lesson. This is done in the Lesson Preparation section of the template.
SITE ACCESS: Tools > My Content > My Plans
If you are generating a new plan, please refer to the Create ELAR/SLAR Plans support guide for the initial creation steps.
If you are updating an existing plan, use the search filters on the My Plans page to locate the desired ELAR/SLAR plan and select the Edit link next to the Options button.
Scroll to the Lesson Preparation section and click the Edit button.
Enter the Lesson # (for the unit) and select all applicable focus areas for that lesson by using the check boxes provided (checked = appears in table, unchecked = does not appear in table).
In this example, the balanced literacy plan for the Lesson 1 of the unit will contain Word Study, Shared Reading, Independent Reading, and Writing learning activities over multiple days.
NOTE: Each day of instruction may contain different focus areas, and users will identify these in the Instructional Routines section of the template.
After selecting the applicable focus areas for the lesson, the columns are displayed in the Lesson Preparation table.
To align TEKS specific to each area of the plan, click the cell area in the TEKS row for the column.
Click the Manage Alignments button to open the standards alignment tool.
The Grade, Subject, and Course (if applicable) will be pre-selected for you based upon the earlier selections you made for the plan. You may use the provided search filters to modify these, if desired. Click the Search button to view the results and the Add button to choose the desired standard.
The selected alignments will appear in the Current Academic Standards column. Click the Save button when you are done.
Add information to the remaining cells in the table by clicking on the cell to enable the text edit tool.
You can type or copy/paste information into this box. The toolbar provides additional customization options.
Click on the Add From My Favorites icon to select files from your My Favorites section or the District Resources Manager (schoolhouse) icon to select files shared by your district.
Click the Save button when you are finished.
Click the Save button along the top menu bar to confirm your selections and content entered thus far. To view what the plan will look like at this point in time, click the Preview button.
Next Steps...
To complete your plan, you will enter the instructional steps specific to the lesson(s) you will be teaching.
Click the link below to learn about completing the Instructional Routines sections of the ELAR/SLAR templates: