SITE ACCESS: TEKS Resource System Components > Assessment Center > Create an Assessment Item > Complete
The Item Collection Status designates how/where the assessment item will display. For a description of each status type, click the ‘i’ (information) icon next to the Item Collection Status heading.
- “Live” – the item will display in your My Created Items collection
- “Archived” – the item can only be found by checking the “Archived” box when performing a search for items
Select the item collection status by clicking the desired radio button.
If you wish to delete the assessment item entirely, click the Delete from Collection button.
Click the Complete button to finalize the assessment item creation process. You will be returned to the Assessment Center landing page.
Your item has now been added to your My Created Items collection. To locate and/or edit the item, select the Search/Edit option in the Assessment Items section of the Assessment Center landing page.
Perform a search of My Created Items using the appropriate filters.
Alternatively, to add the item to a new or existing assessment, follow these steps:
1.) Navigate to the assessment
2.) Click the Add Assessment Item button
3.) Select Search
4.) Perform a search of My Created Items using the appropriate filters
5.) Click the checkbox next to your item